MineTan 1 Hour Express Tan
Our Certified Airbrush Spray Tan Technician will customize your color upon consultation and then hand spray your face and body. Dress at your comfort level. You may wear a bathing suit, or shorts and tank. We do provide disposable thongs. If you are uncertain about our spray tan process, please send us an email or call the salon directly. We are happy to assist you! Book online today!
Each Pro Spray Mist contains our innovative 1 Hour Express Tan formula with quad bronzing technology to speed up the tanning process and allow you to control the depth of your tan. Leave on 1 hour for natural results; 2 hours for medium results; or 3+ hours for darker, deeper results.

Pre-tan checklist
Exfoliate and moisturize 24 hours before you apply your self tan, paying particular attention to elbows, knees, ankles and problem dry areas.
Wax or shave at least 48 hours prior to treatment. This allows the pores time to close. This will help avoid dark dots in your pores!
For the entire 24 hours before you apply your self tan avoid using bar soaps, high pH shower products, oil based products or in-shower moisturizers. These products may act as a barrier against your skin and can prevent the fast acting tanning agents to develop.
Before applying your self tan, make sure your skin is clean and dry. Keep in mind that too much moisture causes tanning products to slide right off the skin. Don’t apply moisturizing lotion except in light amounts on your knees and elbows — the areas where tanner generally absorbs too much. This helps stop these areas from getting too dark.
Don’t apply moisturiser, perfume, deodorant or makeup on the day of application. This may cause discoloration or a patchy tan result that won’t last as long.
If you’re going to a salon, ensure you follow the above tips as well as bringing along loose clothing to put on after your appointment.
Post-tan checklist
After letting the tan develop for 1-3 + hours, shower quickly for 45 secs, with lukewarm water. The brown bronzers will wash away, while the fast tan actives continue to work and deepen over the next 24 hours. Do not use hot water - it stops the development of tan actives during the development time. This is a common mistake people make, especially in the colder months. Once you shower, you can wear your favorite clothes, go out of the house and definitely not stain the bed sheets.
Use plain water, don’t use shower gels, scrubs, shampoos or loofah during the first 24 hours after your treatment.
Pat your skin dry. Do not rub or scrub your skin.
Moisturize everyday after applying your self tan. Using a gradual tan product will keep your skin hydrated while also topping up the color of your tan for longer lasting results.
After day 5, exfoliate with a soft body polish on a daily basis, to help your skin absorb even more moisturizer and keep it looking and feeling gorgeous. This also helps the tan fade naturally, rather than in patches.
Color Base Collection & Treatment images provided by https://minetanbodyskin.com/